Exploring Jumeirah Beach: Must-Do Activities for a Fun Day Out

Are you planning to visit Jumeirah Beach for a fun and exciting day out? Look no further! MitGlobal Dubai Sports is here with everything you need to know about exploring this amazing beach located in Dubai.

This article will provide you a comprehensive guide to the must-do activities in Jumeirah Beach. We will take a closer look at water sports and beach activities that guarantee you a memorable day.

Let us begin by understanding what makes Jumeirah Beach so special and what to look forward to as you plan your visit.

Location and Weather

Jumeirah Beach is situated in the city of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. Renowned for its sunny, hot climate and empty, white beaches, it’s the perfect destination for a sunny holiday. The location of Jumeirah Beach is conveniently close to the city centre, making it easy to get to from the nearby hotels and resorts.

The weather in Dubai is hot and dry all year round, with temperatures ranging from a low of 15-17 degrees celsius during the winter months to a high of 40-42 degrees celsius in the summer. The sun is almost always shining in Dubai, so you’re sure to have a pleasant and sunny day at Jumeirah Beach!

The best time to visit Jumeirah Beach is early in the day, when the temperature is still bearable and the sun isn’t quite as strong. Evenings can also be a great time to visit the beach, as the sun sets and paints the sand with a magical hue.

Activities at Jumeirah Beach

Jumeirah Beach provides a wealth of activities for vacationers or Dubai residents looking for a great day out in the sun. Whether you’re planning a romantic sunset stroll or an adrenaline-filled beach adventure, it’s easy to fill your day with fun activities at this world-renowned location.

Swimming is a popular activity at Jumeirah Beach and there are plenty of spots to take a dip. The water is crystal clear and there are plenty of options including shallow swimming areas and deeper waters. Be sure to wear protective swimming gear, as the strong waves can be overwhelming and it’s always best to be safe.

Surfing is available too and some beach clubs offer lessons and equipment. If you’ve never surfed before, this could be a great place to learn!

Sailing is also popular, with rental sailboats and a host of sailing clubs offering instruction and information. There are also sailing charters for those looking for a relaxing cruise around the beach area.

Sunbathing is another great activity here and there are plenty of good spots to lie down and enjoy. Lounging in the sun and enjoying the peaceful atmosphere can’t be beat.

Exploring the area is also a great way to pass the time. There are plenty of restaurants, boutiques, and unique sights to take in. A visit to the nearby Jumeirah Mosque is one of the must-see sights. It’s a great opportunity to learn more about the culture and history of this interesting area.


Jumeirah Beach is an affordable day out for people of all ages! The entrance fee to access the beach is only 10 dirhams per person and kids are free. There is a wide range of water activities available for visitors to partake in. Whether it’s kayaking, paddle boarding or knee boarding, equipment can be rented from the sports kiosks nearby from between 35-100 dirhams per hour.

If it’s fishing you’re after, you can purchase a fishing licence for 25 dirhams from the beach office near Burj Al Arab. You’ll then be free to fish anywhere along the beach. You can even purchase fishing rods and other fishing supplies from the kiosks along the beach.

As well as the conventional beach activities, the area also offers some amazing experiences such as the unique helicopter ride. This will cost around 800 dirhams and must be pre-booked. This is an incredible and unique way to see Jumeirah in all its glory.

Tips for a Great Day Out

A trip to Jumeirah Beach can offer an unforgettable day out in the sun with plenty of activities to keep you entertained all day. To ensure that your day is as easy as possible and you make the most of your trip, we recommend following our top tips for a great day out.

Bring Sunscreen: When spending a day on the beach it is essential that you protect your skin with sunscreen. Make sure to apply regularly throughout the day, even if the sun is not out, and to check the instructions and the time you need to leave the sunscreen on the skin before exposing it to the sun.

Bring a Change of Clothes: You can enjoy so many different activities on Jumeirah Beach and you want to be prepared for all the fun you may be having. Be sure to bring a change of clothes so you can get the best out of your experience. Whether it’s paddleboarding, surfing, snorkelling or swimming, having a change of clothes makes it easier to feel comfortable and maintain the energy for your whole day out.

Pack Water and Snacks: When spending a day at the beach, it is important to remain properly hydrated. Bring plenty of bottled water to drink throughout the day and some snacks that you can have in between activities. This will help you to stay energised and enjoy the day.

Bring Towels and Extras: Along with the change of clothes, you’ll want to make sure you bring along a couple of extra towels for drying off after swimming and extra clothes to change into. You may also want to to bring an extra bag for your wet clothes, swimmers and other items such as sun cream, goggles and disposable cameras.

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