Paddle Tennis in Dubai: A Growing Sport in an Upscale City

The city of Dubai has long been known for its high culture, glamour and upscale lifestyle, yet it has also gained much respect for its vast array of sporting activities and events over the past few years. One of the most interesting and newest sports to gain in popularity recently is Paddle Tennis, also known as Paddleball or even simply ‘paddle’.

Originating in the United States and Europe many years ago, the sport of Paddle Tennis is now taking the Middle East by storm, and Dubai is the place to be if you want to experience the energizing thrill of the game. Here at MitGlobal Dubai Sports, we will explain the history of Paddle Tennis in Dubai, detail the benefits of playing the game, and ultimately, provide all the information you need to get started.

Rules of the Game

As the popularity of paddle tennis grows in Dubai, it’s important to learn and understand the rules of the game. While the game is similar to traditional tennis, each have their own unique set of rules.

The game is played in sets and each set is won by the first player to reach six points. The point system is the same as traditional tennis, with each player serving each point until one player reaches six points. If the score is five to five, then the game is decide by the first player to reach seven points.

In terms of equipment requirements, each player is typically required to wear knee-length shorts or skorts, as well as court shoes similar to those used in regular tennis. Paddles can be purchased from a variety of sports shops and racquet strung according to the players preference.

Most paddle tennis courts are slightly smaller than a standard tennis court, measuring 8.5 meters long by 8 meters wide and is usually enclosed by a 10 meter tall fence with a net height at 0.9 meters. The court is also marked with service lines and baseline, just as in traditional tennis.

Unlike regular tennis, paddle tennis is played without the use of a service box and the server must serve to a cross-court angle. Each point starts with the server’s score at zero and the receiver’s score at 15. The server has to win the point to get a score, otherwise the receiver will win the point.

These are only a few of the major rules of paddle tennis, but it is important to consult with a professional instructor to fully understand these and other nuances of the game.

Competitive Opportunities

In recent years, paddle tennis in Dubai has grown immensely in popularity, particularly among the city’s more affluent residents and expats. As a result, more and more competitive opportunities have become available in the area. These opportunities include high-level tournaments, professional paddle tennis leagues, and local paddle tennis clubs.

The Dubai Paddle Open, one of the largest and most prestigious paddle tennis events in the world, is held annually in the city. This international tournament brings together some of the best players from all over the globe, making it a must-visit for paddle tennis enthusiasts. Other tournaments of a similar scope, such as the Dubai Fustalikara Paddle Tennis Championship, are held on a more regular basis.

Aside from single-event tournaments, paddle tennis fans can also take part in organized leagues. These leagues often require that players join existing teams or start their own, the latter of which gifts them the opportunity to play together with like-minded individuals. Local paddle tennis clubs can also join some of these leagues, giving their players additional competitive opportunities.

In addition to the aforementioned events, there other unique opportunities available in Dubai as well. For instance, some paddle tennis courts are transformed into beach courts during certain days of the year. This gives birth to recreational paddle tennis tournaments, as well as friendly matches with a little extra flair.

Costs and Benefits to Playing Paddle Tennis in Dubai

Paddle tennis in Dubai is becoming increasingly popular, but many are unsure of what the costs and benefits of playing the sport are. Financial costs should be considered, as well as the health and social benefits it can offer.

In terms of financial costs, paddle tennis in Dubai is usually quite affordable. Racketrental fees as well as court fees can vary depending on the court, club or facility you choose, but typically it is not extremely expensive. When compared to other sports, it is usually a less costly way to stay active and have a good time.

In terms of health benefits, paddle tennis can be an excellent way to stay active. Running, hitting, flexing and stretching are all movements you’ll make during a game, and all can help you burn calories and build strength. In addition, it is also a game that requires mental agility and strength, which can help keep older players mentally sharp and improve coordination.

When it comes to social benefits, paddle tennis can help you form a group of friends and teammates. As a relatively small sport, it can bring people together from all different backgrounds, abilities and age groups who enjoy the game and the camaraderie that comes with it. Playing with a regular set of partners can help you stay in shape and make it easier to schedule games, plus you’ll get to know each other better and have a form of interaction that isn’t available in other, larger sports.

In summary, paddle tennis in Dubai is a great way to stay active, socialize and have fun without breaking the bank. Players of all ages, abilities and backgrounds can find something to appreciate and gain from the game, and it gives everyone the opportunity to develop friendships, improve their health and test their mental agility.


It is clear that paddle tennis is on the rise in Dubai. This unique and exciting sport is being adopted by people of all ages and backgrounds, making it a popular and quickly growing sport in one of the world’s most upscale cities. There are many paddle tennis clubs and centers offering the opportunity for people to try the sport and to further immerse themselves in it. With the continued support of the local governments and organizations, it is likely that paddle tennis in Dubai will become even more popular over the coming years.

As far as the future prospects of paddle tennis in Dubai, they remain bright. Not only is it a vibrant and exciting sport, but its accessibility and growing popularity makes it a feasible investment in the Las Dubai community. There is great potential for the sport to continue to grow and succeed in Dubai, and with the right support and promotion, it can become further embedded within the city’s culture.

(‘Paddle Tennis in Dubai: A Growing Sport in an Upscale City’, 58)

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