A Guide to the Past Participle of the Verb ‘Run’

Welcome to MitGlobal Dubai Sports blog post! Today, we will be taking a closer look at the Past Participle of the verb “run”.

The past participle is one of the five forms of an irregular verb. It is typically used with auxiliary verbs, such as “have” and “be”, to talk about an event or action that happened in the past.

The verb “run” is one which has been used for centuries, and it is still popular in many modern sports activities. That’s why it’s important to understand the past participle of it. This guide will provide a comprehensive overview of the verb “run” and its past participle, so you can better prepare for the next sports event.

So if you want to find out more about the past participle of the verb “run”, keep reading and prepare yourself for a comprehensive overview.

Formation of the Past Participle of ‘Run’

The past participle of the simple “run” is “run” too. However, the past participle of the irregular verb “run” can be spelled in various ways. Here is a guide to forms of the past participle of “run”.

The most common spelling for the past participle of “run” is “run”. It does not vary in spelling for any of its tenses (past, present, or future). When “run” is used as an adjective, it is also spelled “run”.

In certain cases, the past participle of “run” can also be spelled “ran”. This spelling is used in a few tenses, such as the perfect past tense and the passive voice. This spelling is used when the main verb of the sentence or phrase is also “ran”.

Spelling irregularities can also occur in the past participle of “run”. For example, the verb “run” can be spelled “rune” in the past participle when it is used as a transitive verb. Additionally, in the past participle, “run” is often spelled “runned” or “runnings”.

When it comes to spelling the past participle of “run”, some common mistakes to avoid include: mixing up the spelling of the verb “ran” with “run”; forgetting to change the spelling when the verb is used as a transitive verb; and forgetting the spelling irregularities mentioned above.

Uses of the Past Participle of ‘Run’

The past participle of ‘run’ is ‘run’ and it has an array of uses including in simple sentences, compound sentences, and passive voice.

In simple sentences, the past participle ‘run’ can be used to express an action that has been done in the past. For instance, “I have run near the lake” implies that the action of running near the lake has already been completed.

In compound sentences, the past participle ‘run’ can be used to join two parts of the sentence together. For example, “I have run and jumped” or “I have run but still feel tired”.

The past participle ‘run’ can also add to passive voice. For instance, “The race was run yesterday” or “The race will be run tomorrow” imply that the person running the race was not specified; the race was simply completed.

Furthermore, the past participle ‘run’ can be used to express an action as a process by using a specific verb in combination with a continuous verb. For example, “I was running around the lake” implies that the action of running around the lake was happening at the time, over a course of time.


The past participle of the verb ‘run’ can be used to form many different tenses and should be mastered by English-language learners of all levels. We hope this guide has provided a strong foundation for emerging speakers of the language to better understand the past participle of ‘run.’ We also hope that it has been an interesting and informative read for all those who have followed along with us.

In summary, this guide has provided the definition of the past participle of ‘run,’ as well as several examples of when and how to use it. It also outlined the importance of mastering this concept and included information on additional resources for further study.

The past participle of the verb ‘run’ can be found in many contexts, ranging from informal conversation to professional settings. Mastering the use of its past participle will undoubtedly open up the possibilities of your English-language use, and remembering its importance is the first step.

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