Understanding the Different Sizes of Long Tennis Courts

Are you looking for information about Long Tennis courts? Then you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we will explain the key features of Long Tennis Courts. We will discuss the different lengths and widths of Long Tennis Courts, as well as the various surface types available and the size of Long Tennis Courts.

Understanding all of these features is essential for anyone interested in playing or improving their game on a Long Tennis court. We will explain why it is important to consider each of these aspects when choosing a court, and provide additional resources for more detailed information.

So let’s get started and explore the world of Long Tennis!

Lengths and Widths of Long Tennis Courts

Long tennis courts are typically 78 feet in length and 36 feet in width. For singles matches, the court typically measures 27 feet by 78 feet, with the total playing area size of 2,172 square feet. Doubles matches are typically played on courts that measure 36 feet by 78 feet, resulting in a total playing area size of 2,808 square feet. Singles court width is the same for all long tennis courts and remains at 27, while doubles court width is always 36 feet.

In professional tournaments, singles court length is typically 78 feet, while doubles court length is 86 feet. This is to provide players on the doubles court with more room to move, adding an additional 8 feet to the court length. With singles court width, the playing area for singles is typically wider than for doubles.

For the purposes of official sanctioned tournaments and play, the standard court measurements are the same for all long tennis courts. The layout of the court is the same, with the exception of the additional 8 feet in length that doubles courts have. Singles court widths remain at 27 while doubles will usually measure 36 feet in width.

Surface Type and Size of Long Tennis Courts

The type of surface used for a long tennis court will largely depend on its size. Grass courts are the most common type of long tennis courts and can range in length from 37m to 50m. Grass courts tend to be smaller than clay courts and hard courts and are best suited for smaller spaces. Grass courts provide a faster surface than clay and hard courts, making them popular amongst professional players for higher speed games.

Clay courts are found in a range of sizes from the traditional measurements of 42.7m to 78.7m in length. This type of court provides a slower surface than the other two types, making it easier to control the ball and move around on the court. It is popular among amateur players, especially in Europe, as it allows them to play without having to hit powerful shots.

Hard courts also come in a range of lengths, ranging from 38m to 70m in size. This type of court provides a fast-paced game and is ideal for those who like to hit strong, powerful shots. This type of court is preferred among players who have an aggressive playing style, as it allows them to use spin to their advantage.

No matter which type of long tennis court you choose, it is important to ensure that you include plenty of space for movement. Long courts should also be optimised for visibility purposes, so that spectators can easily follow the action on court.


En cuanto a la longitud de los campos de tenis, hay varios tamaños utilizados para diferentes propósitos. El tamaño más común para los campos de tenis es el tamaño estándar, que es un campo corto de 78 pies de largo. El segundo tamaño más común es el tamaño largo, que es un campo más grande de 84 pies de largo. Finalmente, el tamaño de campo de exhibición es el más grande de ellos, con una longitud de 100 pies.

Los campos estándar se utilizan para la mayoría de los partidos de liga y de torneo. Los campos grandes se usan a menudo para competiciones locales en donde los niveles de habilidad no son los mismos. Los campos de exhibición se utilizan frecuentemente en exhibiciones profesionales y de alto perfil, donde se necesita el máximo espacio para los jugadores.

Summarizando, hay tres tipos principales de campos de tenis: los tamaños estándar, largos y de exhibición. Los campos estándar están diseñados para la mayoría de los partidos de liga y de torneo, los campos grandes se usan para competiciones locales, y los campos de exhibición se utilizan para partidos profesionales. Entender la longitud de los campos de tenis te ayudará a tomar mejores decisiones al seleccionar el campo adecuado para tu juego.

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