Beach Volleyball Courses in Milan

Are you looking to take your beach volleyball game to the next level? Milan is a great destination for the perfect beach volleyball courses. With a wide selection of courses coupled with a scenic landscape, you’ll find the perfect fit for your needs.

This article will provide an overview of Milan, the different types of beach volleyball courses available, and their associated benefits. With a growing demand for beach volleyball courses in Milan, it is important to understand the features, benefits and costs of the courses.

We’ll start with a brief overview of Milan. It is a bustling metropolitan city with a vibrant beach culture. It boasts an expansive beach area with several beach volleyball courts. The city also hosts several beach volleyball tournaments, drawing players from all over Italy and beyond. In addition, Milan’s coastal waters are renowned for their crystal waters, making it an ideal environment for beach volleyball.

Next, we’ll discuss the various types of beach volleyball courses in Milan. There are courses that cater to various skill levels, from beginner to advanced. Additionally, the city offers courses dedicated to beach volleyball drills and conditioning, as well as classes on the rules and regulations of the sport. For those looking to play competitive beach volleyball, Milan also hosts competitive leagues and tournaments.

Finally, we’ll discuss the advantages of taking a beach volleyball course. With the right course for your skill level, you can become a better player by improving your technique, conditioning, and overall sportsmanship. Additionally, you can enjoy the sun, sand and sea while playing beach volleyball in Milan!


Milan is located in northern Italy, making it the perfect place to take your Beach Volleyball Course. The city boasts many popular beaches, such as Argegno and Lecco. These spots provide the perfect backdrop for a day of beach volleyball.

If you are looking for an even closer beach experience, there is Lido di Milano. This beach is located within the city of Milan itself and provides a more secluded and luxurious beach atmosphere. It is close to the city center and is ideal for beach volleyball fans.

For those wishing to stay closer to the city, there are several beach volleyball courts that can be found in the outskirts of Milan. Popular options are the courts located in Abbiategrasso and Maggiate.

The cities of Legnano and Salice Terme are also popular destinations for beach volleyball, providing an ideal holiday getaway. Commuting times to the beach can be as low as 30 minutes, depending on your location in Milan.


The cost of beach volleyball courses in Milan varies greatly depending on the level, instructor and type of course. Generally, the price for a course of 6 lessons is around €80.00 to €140.00. As with any sport of physical activity, it is important to make sure the instructor is experienced and qualified to offer a safe and enjoyable learning experience.

It is possible to get discounted rates for group classes or special events, so it is worth checking out the local volleyball clubs and private courses in Milan to find the best deal. There may also be additional equipment or material costs, depending on the program provider.

It is also important to factor in possible expenses such as travel to the beach, the cost of renting a court, and any other activities such as food or drinks that you may need to purchase. Before signing up for a course, make sure you know all the associated costs in order to make the right decision.


To participate in beach volleyball courses in Milan you must meet a few requirements. Firstly, participants must be at least 16 years old. Secondly all necessary equipment, such as volleyballs, net, and bats must be provided. Lastly, participants must wear protective gear when playing.

If participants do not have their own equipment they can rent it at the event’s entrance. After all the requirements have been met participants will be free to join in the beach volleyball courses.


Beach volleyball is a fun and popular sport, but playing can also put people at risk for injury, so safety measures are absolutely essential. Good beach volleyball courses will always include safety as a priority. Some of the measures to look out for include lifeguards and lifeguard qualifications, and security measures in case of an emergency.

Qualified lifeguards must be present whenever beach volleyball is being played, no matter the age or skill level of the participants. All of these lifeguards should have current qualifications, and the course should stipulate what these qualifications are and the extent of their training. In case of any medical or safety issue occurring, these lifeguards should be prepared with the knowledge and skills to act quickly.

It is also important that the beach volleyball course has effective security measures. This means that there should be safety guards on duty during the whole course and that they have the necessary equipment to react quickly to any issue. It is also important that the course includes procedures for evacuation in cases of emergency, and the knowledge for how to respond to any potential safety risks.

By ensuring that a beach volleyball course is safe, you can help to prevent any injuries and enjoy the game with peace of mind. Be sure to find out all the safety protocols and policies before you sign up for a beach volleyball course.

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