The Impact of the Banned Nike Running Shoes on the Running Shoe Industry

In recent news, Nike was recently banned from the running shoe industry by the International Association of Athletics Federations, or the IAAF. This ban stirred up considerable controversy and debate in the running community, and raised questions about how the ban could potentially impact the running shoe industry.

At MitGlobal Dubai Sports, we believe it is important to examine the consequences of this ban on the running shoe industry in further detail. We will explore how it has impacted the shoe market and discuss the potential implications for future innovations.

In this article, we will analyze the profound effects that the Nike ban has had on the running shoe industry. We will also examine industry data concerning sales and production during this period and offer insights on how this ban will likely shape the future of the industry.

The Shoe Ban

In the Fall of 2019, Nike announced the ban of their signature line of running shoes. The Vaporfly model, said to be responsible for breaking several world records, was controversially banned by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF). The ban imposed was on any shoe that features a technology that provides more than a 1% improvement in running economy.

Background of the Ban: It was speculated that the shoes in question, the Vaporfly running shoes, provided runners with an unfair advantage due to their added cushioning which reduced the energy expended by the runner during the run. Studies suggested that these running shoes could improve a runner’s time by approximately 4%. With the IAAF concerned about the performance-boosting technology, they decided to impose the ban.

Controversy Surrounding the Ban: While the ban of the popular Nike running shoes is strict, many athletes oppose the ruling, citing that the shoes may put them at an unfair disadvantage in competition. Additionally, the fact that the anatomy of a runner’s feet may require certain cushioning or balances can not be contested by the IAAF, as there is no hard evidence that such technology even exists.

The ban has also been criticized by running shoe companies, who fear that by prohibiting the development of such technology could discourage innovation within the industry. Furthermore, the majority of running shoe companies lack the resources to create the high-tech footwear and do not want to be at a disadvantage in terms of creating new running models.

Ultimately, the IAAF’s decision to ban the Nike running shoe has caused considerable controversy within the running shoe industry and the running community. While the ban is in place to ensure fairness in competition, many athletes and companies remain concerned about their ability to create technologically advanced shoes for the future.

Impacto de la prohibición en la industria del calzado para correr

La prohibición de Nike de vender sus zapatillas para correr tuvo un impacto significativo en la industria del calzado para correr. Como líder del mercado, Nike había establecido un alto estándar para el diseño, rendimiento y precios. Esta prohibición fue un gran golpe para la marca, que ahora debe reemplazar la producción de sus zapatillas proscritas.

El impacto de la prohibición sobre los competidores de Nike fue significativo. Las marcas competidoras obtuvieron una ventaja al poder ofrecer zapatillas similares a las de Nike a precios más bajos. Esto les permitió crecer su cuota de mercado, aprovechar los precios más bajos del mercado y ganar participación de la marca en sus competidores. Estas similares condiciones de precios también provocaron que los consumidores opten por formas alternativas de alimentar su necesidad de calzado para correr.

También hay evidencia de que la prohibición provocó fluctuaciones en los precios del calzado para correr. Como resultado de la menor competencia entre los vendedores de calzado para correr, los precios de los productos aumentaron. En contraste, esto también provocó una disminución de los precios para los otros productos de running de Nike, que se vieron favorecidos por la nueva competencia que entró al mercado. Esto también contribuyó a mantener los precios bajos.

Finalmente, la decisión de Nike de prohibir sus zapatillas de running también tuvo efectos indirectos sobre los proveedores de materiales y fabricantes. Como resultado de los nuevos acuerdos realizados entre proveedores y distribuidores alternativos, los precios de los materiales de calzado aumentaron y los fabricantes tuvieron que ajustar sus productos para reflejar la nueva demanda.


The Nike running shoes ban has had a significant impact on the running shoe industry, but it is clear that the most affected party has been Nike themselves. Despite being the leading manufacturer of running shoes, Nike had to temporarily suspend the production of the shoe and recall millions of units sold in the global market. The move resulted in a great deal of financial loss for Nike and prompted them to take swift measures to try and contain the damage which ranged from immediately ceasing production to retraining staff. Furthermore, the ban has had ripple effects on the entire running shoe industry, setting a precedent for stricter regulations on manufacturers and creating a shift in the way products are evaluated for safe use.

The ultimate consequence of this ban relates to consumer trust. While the shoe recall was largely handled in a professional, expedited manner, it still resulted in lost trust since the shoes were shown to cause significant injuries. In the future, it is likely that any future Nike products will be thoroughly scrutinized and tested to ensure that they are safe for use. Therefore, the event serves as a reminder to all manufacturers not just in the running shoe industry, but all industries, that there are far-reaching consequences to the production of unsafe products.

(‘The Impact of the Banned Nike Running Shoes on the Running Shoe Industry’, 58)

Frequently Asked Questions about the Impact of the Banned Nike Running Shoes on the Running Shoe Industry.

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